Efficient relational database management using graphics processors
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
In DaMoN ’05: Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Data management on new hardware (2005)
title={Efficient relational database management using graphics processors},
author={Govindaraju, N.K. and Manocha, D.},
booktitle={ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware},
We present algorithms using graphics processing units (GPUs) to efficiently perform database management queries. Our algorithms use efficient data memory representations and storage models on GPUs to perform fast database computations. We present relational database algorithms that successfully exploit the high memory bandwidth and the inherent parallelism available in GPUs. We implement these algorithms on commodity GPUs and compare their performance with optimized CPU-based algorithms. We show that the GPUs can be used as a co-processor to acceleratemany database and data mining queries.
November 30, 2010 by hgpu