CloudCL: Single-Paradigm Distributed Heterogeneous Computing for Cloud Infrastructures
Operating Systems and Middleware Group, Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, University of Potsdam, 14440 Potsdam, Germany
International Journal of Networking and Computing, Volume 8, Number 2, pages 282-300, 2018
title={CloudCL: Single-Paradigm Distributed Heterogeneous Computing for Cloud Infrastructures},
author={Plauth, Max and R{"o}sler, Florian and Polze, Andreas},
journal={International Journal of Networking and Computing},
publisher={IJNC Editorial Committee}
The ever-growing demand for compute resources has reached a wide range of application domains, and with that has created a larger audience for compute-intensive tasks. In this paper, we present the CloudCL framework, which empowers users to run compute-intensive tasks without having to face the total cost of ownership of operating an extensive high-performance compute infrastructure. CloudCL enables developers to tap the ubiquitous availability of cloudbased heterogeneous resources using a single-paradigm compute framework, without having to consider dynamic resource management and inter-node communication. In an extensive performance evaluation, we demonstrate the feasibility of the framework, yielding close-to-linear scale-out capabilities for certain workloads.
July 15, 2018 by hgpu