Cracks in the Sky: Abelian-Higgs Cosmic String Evolution with CUDA

J. R. C. C. C. Correia, C. J. A. P. Martins
Centro de Astrofisica, Universidade do Porto, Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762 Porto, Portugal
arXiv:1809.00995 [physics.comp-ph], (30 Aug 2018)


   title={Cracks in the Sky: Abelian-Higgs Cosmic String Evolution with CUDA},

   author={Correia, J. R. C. C. C. and Martins, C. J. A. P.},






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Topological defects form at cosmological phase transitions by the Kibble mechanism, with cosmic strings and superstrings having the most interesting phenomenology. A rigorous analysis of their astrophysical consequences is limited by the availability of accurate numerical simulations, and therefore by hardware resources and computation time. Improving the speed and efficiency of existing codes is therefore essential. All current cosmic string simulations were performed on Central Processing Units. In previous work we presented a General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit implementation of the evolution of cosmological domain wall networks. Here we continue this paradigm shift and discuss an analogous implementation for local Abelian-Higgs strings networks. We discuss the implementation algorithm (including the discretization used and how to calculate network averaged quantities) and then showcase its performance and current bottlenecks. We validate the code by directly comparing our results for the canonical scaling properties of the networks in the radiation and matter eras with those in the literature, finding very good agreement. We finally highlight possible directions for improving the scalability of the code.
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