Volume and Isosurface Rendering with GPU-Accelerated Cell Projection
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 27, No. 1. (March 2008), pp. 24-35
title={Volume and Isosurface Rendering with GPU-Accelerated Cell Projection},
author={Marroquim, R. and Maximo, A. and Farias, R. and Esperan{c{c}}a, C.},
booktitle={Computer Graphics Forum},
organization={Wiley Online Library}
We present an efficient GPU-based implementation of the Projected Tetrahedra (PT) algorithm. By reducing most of the CPU-GPU data transfer, the algorithm achieves interactive frame rates (up to 2.0 M Tets/s) on current graphics hardware. Since no topology information is stored, it requires substantially less memory than recent interactive ray casting approaches. The method uses a two-pass gpu approach with two fragment shaders. This work includes extended volume inspection capabilities by supporting interactive transfer function editing and isosurface highlighting using a Phong illumination model.
December 11, 2010 by hgpu