Real-time optical micro-manipulation using optimized holograms generated on the GPU
Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Universita di Roma, I-00185, Roma, Italy
Computer Physics Communications, Volume 181, Issue 8, p. 1444-1448, arXiv:0907.4027 (23 Jul 2009)
title={Real-time optical micro-manipulation using optimized holograms generated on the GPU},
author={Bianchi, S. and Di Leonardo, R.},
journal={Computer Physics Communications},
Holographic optical tweezers allow the three-dimensional, dynamic, multipoint manipulation of micron sized objects using laser light. Exploiting the massive parallel architecture of modern GPUs we can generate highly optimized holograms at video frame-rate allowing the precise interactive micro-manipulation of complex structures.
December 16, 2010 by hgpu