Adaptable particle-in-cell algorithms for graphical processing units
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90230, USA
Computer Physics Communications (12 November 2010)
title={Adaptable Particle-in-Cell Algorithms for Graphical Processing Units},
author={Decyk, V. and Singh, T.},
journal={Bulletin of the American Physical Society},
publisher={American Physical Society}
We developed new parameterized Particle-in-Cell algorithms and data structures for emerging multi-core and many-core architectures. Four parameters allow tuning of this PIC code to different hardware configurations. Particles are kept ordered at each time step. The first application of these algorithms is to NVIDIA Graphical Processing Units, where speedups of about 15-25 compared to an Intel Nehalem processor were obtained for a simple 2D electrostatic code. Electromagnetic codes are expected to get higher speedups due to their greater computational intensity.
January 26, 2011 by hgpu