SYCLops: A SYCL Specific LLVM to MLIR Converter

Alexandre Singer, Frank (Fang) Gao, Kai-Ting Amy Wang
Huawei Canada Research Centre, Markham, Canada
International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL’22), 2022


   title={SYCLops: A SYCL Specific LLVM to MLIR Converter},

   author={Singer, Alexandre and Gao, Frank and Wang, Kai-Ting Amy},

   booktitle={International Workshop on OpenCL},




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There is a growing need for higher level abstractions for device kernels in heterogeneous environments, and the multi-level nature of the MLIR infrastructure perfectly addresses this requirement. As SYCL begins to gain industry adoption for heterogeneous applications and MLIR continues to develop, we present SYCLops: a converter capable of translating SYCL specific LLVM IR to MLIR. This will allow for both target and application specific optimizations within the same framework to exploit opportunities for improvement present at different levels.
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