Line-art Illustration of Dynamic and Specular Surfaces

Yongjin Kim, Jingyi Yu, Xuan Yu, Seungyong Lee
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), vol 27, no. 5, December 2008


   author={Yongjin Kim and Jingyi Yu and Xuan Yu and Seungyong Lee},

   title={Line-art Illustration of Dynamic and Specular Surfaces},

   journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008)},







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Line-art illustrations are effective tools for conveying shapes and shading of complex objects. We present a set of new algorithms to render line-art illustrations of dynamic and specular (reflective and refractive) surfaces. We first introduce a real-time principal direction estimation algorithm to determine the line stroke directions on dynamic opaque objects using neighboring normal ray triplets. To render reflections or refractions in a line-art style, we develop a stroke direction propagation algorithm by using multi-perspective projections to propagate the stroke directions from the nearby opaque objects onto specular surfaces. Finally, we present an image-space stroke mapping method to draw line strokes using the computed or propagated stroke directions. We implement these algorithms using a GPU and demonstrate real-time illustrations of scenes with dynamic and specular 3D models in line-art styles.
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