Predicting NVIDIA’s Next-Day Stock Price: A Comparative Analysis of LSTM, MLP, ARIMA, and ARIMA-GARCH Models

Yiluan Xing, Chao Yan, Cathy Chang Xie
Department of Economics, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, USA
arXiv:2405.08284 [econ.EM], (14 May 2024)


   title={Predicting NVIDIA’s Next-Day Stock Price: A Comparative Analysis of LSTM, MLP, ARIMA, and ARIMA-GARCH Models},

   author={Yiluan Xing and Chao Yan and Cathy Chang Xie},






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Forecasting stock prices remains a considerable challenge in financial markets, bearing significant implications for investors, traders, and financial institutions. Amid the ongoing AI revolution, NVIDIA has emerged as a key player driving innovation across various sectors. Given its prominence, we chose NVIDIA as the subject of our study.
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