Simulation of bevel gear cutting with GPGPUs-performance and productivity
JARA, Center of Computing and Communication, RWTH Aachen University, Seffenter Weg 23, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Computer Science – Research and Development (6 April 2011), pp. 1-10
author={Wienke, Sandra and Plotnikov, Dmytro and an Mey, Dieter and Bischof, Christian and Hardjosuwito, Ario and Gorgels, Christof and Brecher, Christian},
affiliation={JARA, Center for Computing and Communication, RWTH Aachen University, Seffenter Weg 23, 52074 Aachen, Germany},
title={Simulation of bevel gear cutting with GPGPUs-performance and productivity},
journal={Computer Science – Research and Development},
publisher={Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
keyword={Computer Science},
The desire for general purpose computation on graphics processing units caused the advance of new programming paradigms, e.g. OpenCL C/C++, CUDA C or the PGI Accelerator Model. In this paper, we apply these programming approaches to the software KegelSpan for simulating bevel gear cutting. This engineering application simulates an important manufacturing process in the automotive industry. The results obtained are compared to an OpenMP implementation on various hardware configurations. The discussion covers performance results, but also productivity of code development realized in this effort.
April 11, 2011 by hgpu