GPU-Accelerated Background Generation Algorithm with Low Latency

Julius Fabian Ohmer, Peter G. Perry, Nicholas J. Redding
9th Biennial Conference of the Australian Pattern Recognition Society on Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, 2007


   title={GPU-accelerated background generation algorithm with low latency},

   author={Ohmer, J.F. and Perry, P.G. and Redding, N.J.},




   organization={IEEE Computer Society}


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A background model is constructed to detect moving objects in video sequences. Subsequent frames are stacked on top of each other using associated registration information that must be obtained in a preprocessing step. The change of the brightness value in each pixel over time might be caused by a moving object. Current graphics processing units (GPUs) have proven to be very capable parallel processing architectures which can outperform current CPUs by an order of a magnitude. This paper will present how current GPUs can be used to rapidly construct background models from a sequence of video still frames. We will specifically discuss how the implementation can benefit from special features of GPUs that are available in the graphics API OpenGL.
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