GPU-accelerated fault simulation and its new applications
Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190, China
International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT), 2011
title={GPU-accelerated fault simulation and its new applications},
author={Li, H. and Xu, D. and Cheng, K.T.},
booktitle={VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT), 2011 International Symposium on},
GPUs have recently been explored as a new general-purpose computing platform, which are suitable for the acceleration of compute-intensive EDA applications. In this paper we describe a GPU-based one- to n-detection fault simulator for both stuck-at and transition faults, which demonstrates a 20X speedup over a commercial CPU-based fault simulator. We further show new fault-simulation-based test selection applications enabled by this accelerated fault simulation. Our results demonstrate that the tests selected from the applications achieve higher fault coverages for 1-to-n detections with steeper fault coverage curves, as well as a better delay test quality, in comparison with tests deterministically generated by commercial ATPG tools.
June 23, 2011 by hgpu