High accuracy electron beam model development: MICHELLE eBEAM
Science Applications Int’l Corporation, 700 Technology Park Dr., Billerica, MA 01821, USA
IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2010
title={P2-29: High accuracy electron beam model development: MICHELLE eBEAM},
author={Ovtchinnikov, S. and Shtokhamer, R. and Mkrtchyan, M. and Kostas, C. and Petillo, J. and Cooke, S. and Vlasov, A. and Levush, B.},
booktitle={Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2010 IEEE International},
Modeling low current electron beams with high accuracy presents a number of novel challenges to existing simulation tools. For applications that use currents of the order of microamperes, such as electron beam lithography, nanolithography, electron microscopy and quality inspection, it is necessary to simulate ensembles of individual electrons to account correctly for the statistical effects of inter-particle Coulomb forces. We present a new MICHELLE software module (eBEAM) that is capable of high accuracy simulations of electron beams with stochastic space charge effects. The simulation is accomplished via a CPU/GPU hybrid code that runs on multiple platforms.
June 29, 2011 by hgpu