Implementability of shading models for current game engines
Center for Adv. Comput. Studies, Univ. of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA
International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems, 2008. ICCES 2008
title={Implementability of shading models for current game engines},
author={Atabek, B. and Kumar, A.},
booktitle={Computer Engineering & Systems, 2008. ICCES 2008. International Conference on},
With the advances in the processor technology, todaypsilas graphical processing unit (GPU) architectures have evolved tremendously. Their speed and computational power has increased to the giga-flops levels. This has brought about a new architectural innovation called Shaders, which are programmable processing units that make all of the resources of the GPUs available to the game programmers. By using shaders, heavy computational shading models, which could not be used before due to resource-limitations, can now be implemented in real-time using a current PC hardware. This paper describes prominent local and global shading models in the current game engines development and discusses implementability issues.
July 8, 2011 by hgpu