Real-Time Global Illumination for VR Applications
Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2008
title={Real-time global illumination for vr applications},
author={Mortensen, J. and Yu, I. and Khanna, P. and Tecchia, F. and Spanlang, B. and Marino, G. and Slater, M.},
journal={Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE},
Real-time global illumination in VR systems enhances scene realism by incorporating soft shadows, reflections of objects in the scene, and color bleeding. The virtual light field (VLF) method enables real-time global illumination rendering in VR. The VLF has been integrated with the extreme VR system for real-time GPU-based rendering in a cave automatic virtual environment.
July 20, 2011 by hgpu