Light propagation for mixed polygonal and volumetric data
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Computer Graphics International 2005
title={Light propagation for mixed polygonal and volumetric data},
author={Zhang, C. and Xue, D. and Crawfis, R.},
booktitle={Computer Graphics International 2005},
Some applications require scenes mixing polygonal and volumetric objects and shadows make the scenes more realistic. This paper describes a shadow algorithm for mixed polygonal and volumetric data, including the generation of soft shadows for area light sources. Our volume shader leverages advanced graphics GPU for an accelerated and feasible solution. The shadow and soft shadow algorithm applies to all combinations of volumes and polygons, without any restriction on the geometric positioning and overlap of the volumes and polygons. For realistic rendering where we have a high albedo participating media, multiple scattering is significant. We extend our algorithm to handle both multiple forward scattering and back scattering with light attenuation. This constitutes a complete system for shadow generation and light propagation.
July 31, 2011 by hgpu