Cost-effective low-power graphics processing unit for handheld devices

Byeong-Gyu Nam, Jeabin Lee, Kwanho Kim, Seungjin Lee, Hoi-Jun Yoo
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2008


   title={Cost-effective low-power graphics processing unit for handheld devices},

   author={Nam, B.G. and Lee, J. and Kim, K. and Lee, S. and Yoo, H.J.},

   journal={Communications Magazine, IEEE},







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Cost-effective handheld graphics processing units are discussed in the aspects of performance, memory bandwidth, power, and area requirements. The proposed RamP architecture has special features of cost-effective low-power arithmetic units, memory bandwidth reduction, and dynamic power management schemes for handheld GPUs. The detailed design of RamP- VI is explained as an example of the RamP architecture. It adopts logarithmic arithmetic for power and area efficiency, and has a triple- domain power management scheme to minimize power consumption at a given performance level. The proposed GPU shows peak performance of 141 Mvertices/s and 52.4 mW power consumption when it operates at 60 frames/s. It shows 17.5 percent performance improvement and 50.5 percent power reduction compared to the latest work.
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