Towards Utilizing Remote GPUs for CUDA Program Execution
Department of Computer Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
WorldComputing, 2011
title={Towards Utilizing Remote GPUs for CUDA Program Execution},
author={Ji, X. and Davis, S. and Erikson Hardesty, X.L. and Saha, S. and Jiang, H.},
The modern CPU has been designed to accelerate serial processing as much as possible. Recently, GPUs have been exploited to solve large parallelizable problems. As fast as a GPU is for general purpose massively parallel computing, some problems require an even larger scale of parallelism and pipelining. However, it has been difficult to scale algorithms beyond a local computer and distribute workloads among multiple computers housing GPUs. This paper proposes a Remote Kernel Launch (RKL) approach to transfer the kernel parts from a local machine to remote GPU servers. A lexical analyzer is used to identify and extract the kernels from local programs. The extracted kernel can then be distributed and executed on remote GPUs. A dynamic mapping scheme is explored to balance workloads among nodes. This approach allows a program to run optimally on a range of hardware configurations by eliminating the need to program for a specific environment. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of RKL.
October 15, 2011 by hgpu