B-CALM: An open-source GPU-based 3D-FDTD with multi-pole dispersion for plasmonics

Pierre Wahl, Dany-Sebastien Ly-Gagnon, Christof Debaes, David A.B. Miller, Hugo Thienpont
Brussels Photonics Team, Applied Physics and Photonics Department, Vrije Univ. Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
11th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2011


   title={B-CALM: An open-source GPU-based 3D-FDTD with multipole dispersion for plasmonics},

   author={Wahl, P. and Ly-Gagnon, D.S. and Debaes, C. and Miller, D.A.B. and Thienpont, H.},

   booktitle={Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 2011 11th International Conference on},





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Numerical calculations with finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) on metallic nanostructures in a broad optical spectrum require an accurate approximation of the permittivity of dispersive materials. Here, we present the algorithms behind B-CALM (Belgium-California Light Machine), an open-source 3D-FDTD solver operating on Graphical Processing Units (GPU’s) with multi-pole dispersion models. Our modified architecture shows a reduction in computational times for multi-pole dispersion models for a broad spectral range. We benchmark B-CALM by computing the absorption efficiency of a metallic nanosphere with a one-pole and a three-poles Drude-Lorentz model and compare it with Mie theory.
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