Experiences Developing the OpenUH Compiler and Runtime Infrastructure
University of Houston
Cetus Users and Compiler Infastructure Workshop in conjunction with PACT 2011, 2011
title={Experiences Developing the OpenUH Compiler and Runtime Infrastructure},
author={Chapman, B. and Eachempati, D. and Hernandez, O.},
The OpenUH compiler is a branch of the open source Open64 compiler suite for C, C++, Fortran 95/2003, with support for a variety of targets including x86_64, IA-64, and IA-32. For the past several years, we have used OpenUH to conduct research in parallel programming models and their implementation, static and dynamic analysis of parallel applications, and compiler integration with external tools. In this paper, we describe the evolution of the OpenUH infrastructure and how we’ve used it to carry out our research and teaching efforts.
December 19, 2011 by hgpu