Using Image Morphing for Memory-Efficient Impostor Rendering on GPU

Kamer Ali Yuksel, Aytul Ercil, Alp Yucebilgin, Selim Balcisoy
Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 2011


   title={Using Image Morphing for Memory-Efficient Impostor Rendering on GPU},

   author={Yuksel, K.A. and Ercil, A. and Yucebilgin, A. and Balcisoy, S.},



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Real-time rendering of large animated crowds consisting thousands of virtual humans is important for several applications including simulations, games and interactive walkthroughs, but cannot be performed using complex polygonal models at interactive frame rates. For that reason, several methods using large numbers of pre-computed image-based representations, which are called as impostors, have been proposed. These methods take the advantage of existing programmable graphics hardware to compensate the computational expense while maintaining the visual fidelity. Making the number of different virtual humans, which can be rendered in real-time, not restricted anymore by the required computational power but by the texture memory consumed for the variety and discretization of their animations. In this work, we proposed an alternative method that reduces the memory consumption by generating compelling intermediate textures using image-morphing techniques. In order to demonstrate the preserved perceptual quality of animations, where half of the key-frames were rendered using the proposed methodology, we have implemented the system using the graphical processing unit and obtained promising results at interactive frame rates.
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