Mesh deformations in X3D via CUDA with freeform deformation lattices

Yvonne Jung, Holger Graf, Johannes Behr, Arjan Kuijper
Fraunhofer IGD, Fraunhoferstrasse 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Virtual and Mixed Reality – Systems and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6774/2011, 343-351, 2011


   title={Mesh deformations in X3D via CUDA with freeform deformation lattices},

   author={Jung, Y. and Graf, H. and Behr, J. and Kuijper, A.},

   journal={Virtual and Mixed Reality-Systems and Applications},





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In this paper we present a GPU-accelerated implementation of the well-known freeform deformation algorithm to allow for deformable objects within fully interactive virtual environments. We furthermore outline how our real-time deformation approach can be integrated into the X3D standard for more accessibility of the proposed methods. The presented technique can be used to deform complex detailed geometries without pre-processing the mesh by simply generating a lattice around the model. The local deformation is then computed for this lattice instead of the complex geometry, which efficiently can be carried out on the GPU using CUDA.
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