Gauge fixing using overrelaxation and simulated annealing on GPUs

Mario Schrock, Hannes Vogt
Institut fur Physik, FB Theoretische Physik, Universitat Graz, A-8010 Graz, Austria
arXiv:1209.4008 [hep-lat] (18 Sep 2012)


   author={Schrock, Mario and Vogt, Hannes},

   title={Gauge fixing using overrelaxation and simulated annealing on GPUs},





   SLACcitation={%%CITATION = ARXIV:1209.4008;%%}


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We adopt CUDA-capable Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) for Coulomb, Landau and maximally Abelian gauge fixing in 3+1 dimensional SU(3) lattice gauge field theories. The local overrelaxation algorithm is perfectly suited for highly parallel architectures. Simulated annealing preconditioning strongly increases the probability to reach the global maximum of the gauge functional. We give performance results for single and double precision. To obtain our maximum performance of ~300 GFlops on NVIDIA’s GTX 580 a very fine grained degree of parallelism is required due to the register limits of NVIDIA’s Fermi GPUs: we use eight threads per lattice site, i.e., one thread per SU(3) matrix that is involved in the computation of a site update.
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