On continuous maximum flow image segmentation algorithm
Universite Paris-Est, Departement d’Informatique Gaspard-Monge, Equipe A3SI, ESIEE Paris, Cite Descartes, BP 99, F-93162 Noisy-le-Grand Cedex, France
Universite Paris-Est, 2012
title={On continuous maximum flow image segmentation algorithm},
author={Marak, Laszlo},
In recent years, with the advance of computing equipment and image acquisition techniques, the sizes, dimensions and content of acquired images have increased considerably. Unfortunately as time passes there is a steadily increasing gap between the classical and parallel programming paradigms and their actual performance on modern computer hardware. In this thesis we consider in depth one particular algorithm, the continuous maximum flow computation. We review in detail why this algorithm is useful and interesting, and we propose efficient and portable implementations on various architectures. We also examine how it performs in the terms of segmentation quality on some recent problems of materials science and nano-scale biology.
March 2, 2013 by hgpu