
Jul, 10

Evaluating different Java bindings for OpenCL

The traditional CPU is able to run only a few complex threads concurrently. By contrast, a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) allows a concurrent execution of hundreds or thousands of simpler threads. The GPU was originally designed for a computer graphics, but nowadays it is being used for generalpurpose computation using a GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) […]
Jul, 10

DistCL: A Framework for the Distributed Execution of OpenCL Kernels

GPUs are used to speed up many scientific computations; however, to use several networked GPUs concurrently, the programmer must explicitly partition work and transmit data between devices. We propose DistCL, a novel framework that distributes the execution of OpenCL kernels across a GPU cluster. DistCL makes multiple distributed compute devices appear to be a single […]
Jul, 8

Comparison and Analysis of GPU Energy Efficiency For CUDA and OpenCL

The use of GPUs for processing large sets of parallelizable data has increased sharply in recent years. As the concept of GPU computing is still relatively young, parameters other than computation time, such as energy efficiency, are being overlooked. Two parallel computing platforms, CUDA and OpenCL, provide developers with an interface that they can use […]
Jul, 5

OpenCL for FPGAs: Prototyping a Compiler

Hardware acceleration using FPGAs has shown orders of magnitude reduction in runtime of computationally-intensive applications in comparison to traditional stand-alone computers [1]. This is possible because on an FPGA many computations can be performed at the same time in a truly-parallel fashion. However, parallel computation at a hardware level requires a great deal of expertise, […]
Jun, 30

HadoopCL: MapReduce on Distributed Heterogeneous Platforms Through Seamless Integration of Hadoop and OpenCL

As the scale of high performance computing systems grows, three main challenges arise: the programmability, reliability, and energy efficiency of those systems. Accomplishing all three without sacrificing performance requires a rethinking of legacy distributed programming models and homogeneous clusters. In this work, we integrate Hadoop MapReduce with OpenCL to enable the use of heterogeneous processors […]
Jun, 13

Acceleration of calculation of Third Party Risk around an airport using OpenCL

During the past two decades, the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory has developed a model to calculate the risk for third parties around airports. This Third Party Risk model is used in the decision making with respect to airport development and land use planning. Due to the increase of air traffic, the availability of improved individual […]
Jun, 12

OpenCL Implementation of a Color Based Object Tracking

In this paper we present an algorithm for realtime object tracking based on color. Firstly, a two-layer perceptron is trained aimed at coping with scene illumination changes. Based on this training, a piece of OpenCL code is generated for the purpose of harnessing the power of GPU computing. Then, color based object tracking is done […]
Jun, 10

OCLoptimizer: An Iterative Optimization Tool for OpenCL

Nowadays, computers include several computational devices with parallel capacities, such as multicore processors and Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). OpenCL enables the programming of all these kinds of devices. An OpenCL program consists of a host code which discovers the computational devices available in the host system and it queues up commands to the devices, and […]
Jun, 6

A comprehensive study of Dynamic Memory Management in OpenCL kernels

Traditional (sequential) applications use malloc for a variety of dynamic data structures, like linked lists or trees. GPGPU is gaining attention and popularity because its massively-parallel architecture allows for great speed improvement for programs that can be parallelised and implemented for a platform like OpenCL. Programmers who try to port their existing sequential or even […]
Jun, 4

Parallel Acceleration on Manycore Systems and Its Performance Analysis: OpenCL Case Study

OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a heterogeneous programming framework for developing applications that executes across a range of device types made by different vendors[11] which efficiently maps to both heterogeneous and homogeneous, single or multiple device system consisting of CPUs, GPUs and others types of devices. OpenCL provides many benefits in the field of high-performance […]
May, 29

Parallelization of Mesh Contraction and Fairing using OpenCL

We propose a parallel method for computing local Laplacian curvature flows for triangular meshes. Laplace operator is widely used in mesh processing for mesh fairing, noise removal or curvature estimation. If the Laplacian flow is used in global sense constraining a whole mesh with an iterative weighted linear system, it can be used even for […]
May, 25

OpenCL Performance Evaluation on Modern Multi Core CPUs

Utilizing heterogeneous platforms for computation has become a general trend making the portability issue important. OpenCL (Open Computing Language) serves the purpose by enabling portable execution on heterogeneous architectures. However, unpredictable performance variation on different platforms has become a burden for programmers who write OpenCL programs. This is especially true for conventional multicore CPUs, since […]

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