
Mar, 31

CUDACL: A tool for CUDA and OpenCL programmers

Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) programming languages are used extensively for general-purpose computations. However, GPU programming languages are at a level of abstraction suitable only for use by expert parallel programmers. This paper presents a new approach through which ‘C’ or Java programmers can access these languages without having to focus on the technical or language-specific […]
Mar, 31

Exploiting SIMD extensions for linear image processing with OpenCL

The OpenCL framework supports SIMD capabilities available in general purpose processors, which have been used to prospect performance improvements in several applications. In this paper we propose efficient algorithms for linear image processing by exploring the provided SIMD extensions on AMD and Intel processors. The efficiency of the SIMD based computation inferred by the OpenCL […]
Mar, 31

OpenCL – An effective programming model for data parallel computations at the Cell Broadband Engine

Current processor architectures are diverse and heterogeneous. Examples include multicore chips, CPUs and the Cell Broadband Engine (CBE). The recent Open Compute Language (OpenCL) standard aims at efficiency and portability. This paper explores its efficiency when implemented on the CBE, without using CBE-specific features such as explicit asynchronous memory transfers. We based our experiments on […]
Mar, 30

OpenCL and parallel primitives for digital TV applications

Open Computing Language (OpenCL), which is created to support parallel programming of heterogeneous multicore-processor systems, has a very large potential for high-performance computing and consumer electronics since it provides application programming interfaces (APIs) to help make a portable code that runs across multiple devices. OpenCL is still under development, and it is not clear whether […]
Mar, 30

Accelerated cone beam CT reconstruction based on OpenCL

Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is a fundamental technology for cross-platform parallel programming. The emerging of OpenCL provides portable and efficient access to the power of modern processors. This revolutionary new technology is applied to accelerate the reconstruction of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) in this paper. An OpenCL-based implementation of […]
Mar, 30

OpenCL: Make Ubiquitous Supercomputing Possible

Due to the dramatic requirements of 3D games and applications, graphics processing unit (GPU) or general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU) have become required components in the modern computer systems. While these devices enable high parallelism with huge amount of processing elements, the utilization of their capabilities in general scientific applications are still low due to […]
Mar, 30

OpenCL-based design methodology for application-specific processors

OpenCL is a programming language standard which enables the programmer to express the application by structuring its computation as kernels. The OpenCL compiler is given the explicit freedom to parallelize the execution of kernel instances at all the levels of parallelism. In comparison to the traditional C programming language which is sequential in nature, OpenCL […]
Mar, 30

Hybrid OpenCL over high speed networks

We are developing Hybrid OpenCL, which enables the connection between different OpenCL implementations over the network. Hybrid OpenCL consists of two elements, a runtime system that provides the abstraction of different OpenCL implementations and a bridge program that connects multiple OpenCL runtime systems over the network. Hybrid OpenCL enables the construction of the scalable OpenCL […]
Mar, 30

Improving Hybrid OpenCL Performance by High Speed Networks

We developed Hybrid OpenCL, which enables the connection between different OpenCL implementations over the network. Hybrid OpenCL consists of two elements, a runtime system that provides the abstraction of different OpenCL implementations and a bridge program that connects multiple OpenCL runtime systems over the network. Problems in OpenCL are not being able to use different […]
Mar, 30

Hybrid OpenCL: Connecting Different OpenCL Implementations over Network

We are developing Hybrid OpenCL, which enables the connection between different OpenCL implementations over the network. Hybrid OpenCL consists of two elements, a runtime system that provides the abstraction of different OpenCL implementations and a bridge program that connects multiple OpenCL runtime systems over the network. Hybrid OpenCL enables the construction of the scalable OpenCL […]
Mar, 30

PyCUDA and PyOpenCL: A Scripting-Based Approach to GPU Run-Time Code Generation

High-performance computing has recently seen a surge of interest in heterogeneous systems, with an emphasis on modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). These devices offer tremendous potential for performance and efficiency in important large-scale applications of computational science. However, exploiting this potential can be challenging, as one must adapt to the specialized and rapidly evolving computing […]
Mar, 15

A Package for OpenCL Based Heterogeneous Computing on Clusters with Many GPU Devices

Heterogeneous systems provide new opportunities to increase the performance of parallel applications on clusters with CPU and GPU architectures. Currently, applications that utilize GPU devices run their device-executable code on local devices in their respective hosting-nodes. This paper presents a package for running OpenMP, C++ and unmodified OpenCL applications on clusters with many GPU devices. […]

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