DRiVE: An Example of Distributed Rendering in Virtual Environments

Anton Sigitov, Thorsten Roth, Florian Mannuss, Andre Hinkenjann
Institute of Visual Computing, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University
6th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS), 2013


   author={Sigitov, Anton and Roth, Thorsten and Mannu{ss}, Florian and Hinkenjann, Andr'{e}},

   title={DRiVE: An Example of Distributed Rendering in Virtual Environments},

   booktitle={Sixth Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS 2013)},




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Most Virtual Reality (VR) applications use rendering methods which implement local illumination models, simulating only direct interaction of light with 3D objects. They do not take into account the energy exchange between the objects themselves, making the resulting images look non-optimal. The main reason for this is the simulation of global illumination having a high computational complexity, decreasing the frame rate extremely. As a result this makes for example user interaction quite challenging. One way to decrease the time of image generation using rendering methods which implement global illumination models is to involve additional compute nodes in the process of image creation, distribute the rendering subtasks among these and then collate the results of the subtasks into a single image. Such a strategy is called distributed rendering. In this paper we introduce a software interface which gives a recommendation how the distributed rendering approach may be integrated into VR frameworks to achieve lower generation time of high quality, realistic images. The interface describes a client-server architecture which realizes the communication between visualization and compute nodes including data and rendering subtask distribution and may be used for the implementation of different load-balancing methods. We show an example of the implementation of the proposed interface in the context of realistic rendering of buildings for decisions on interior options.
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