A distributed computing approach to improve the performance of the Parallel Ocean Program (v2.1)
VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 6, 4705-4744, 2013
title={A distributed computing approach to improve the performance of the Parallel Ocean Program (v2. 1)},
author={van Werkhoven, B and Maassen, J and Kliphuis, M and Dijkstra, HA and Brunnabend, SE and van Meersbergen, M and Seinstra, FJ and Bal, HE},
The Parallel Ocean Program (POP) is used in many strongly eddying ocean circulation simulations. Ideally one would like to do thousand-year long simulations, but the current performance of POP prohibits this type of simulations. In this work, using a new distributed computing approach, two innovations to improve the performance of POP are presented. The first is a new block partitioning scheme for the optimization of the load balancing of POP such that it can be run efficiently in a multi-platform setting. The second is an implementation of part of the POP model code on Graphics Processing Units. We show that the combination of both innovations leads to a substantial performance increase also when running POP simultaneously over multiple computational platforms.
September 18, 2013 by hgpu