GPU-Accelerated Crack Path Computation Based on a Phase Field Approach for Brittle Fracture
Institute of Applied Mechanics, University of Kaiserslautern
Young Researchers Symposium (YRS), 2013
author={A. Schluter and A. Willenbucher and C. Kuhn},
title={GPU}-Accelerated Crack Path Computation Based on a Phase Field Approach for Brittle Fracture},
booktitle={Young Researchers Symposium (YRS)},
address={Kaisersltautern, Germany},
In recent years, a new approach to analyze fracturing has been developed. The so-called phase field models approximate cracks by a scalar, macroscopic field variable that distinguishes between broken and undamaged material. The phase field approach to fracture has significant advantages over more established methods. However it is necessary to solve a coupled set of nonlinear, partial differential equations to compute the evolving crack path. Often a finite element scheme is employed to compute the solution numerically which leads to a large number of unknowns. Here, paralled computing techniques like Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) computing can significantly decrease the computing time. This work illustrates how GPU computing can accelerate computationally expensive calculations with respect to a phase field model for dynamic brittle fracture.
December 8, 2013 by hgpu