Optimal polygonal L1 linearization and fast interpolation of nonlinear systems
Grupo de Tratamiento de Imagenes (GTI), ETSI Telecomunicacion, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
arXiv:1312.7815 [math.OC], (30 Dec 2013)
author={Gallego}, G. and {Berj{‘o}n}, D. and {Garc{‘{i}}a}, N.},
title={"{Optimal polygonal L1 linearization and fast interpolation of nonlinear systems}"},
journal={ArXiv e-prints},
keywords={Mathematics – Optimization and Control, Computer Science – Systems and Control, Mathematics – Numerical Analysis},
adsnote={Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
The analysis of complex nonlinear systems is often carried out using simpler piecewise linear representations of them. We propose a principled and practical technique to linearize and evaluate arbitrary continuous nonlinear functions using polygonal (continuous piecewise linear) models under the L1 norm. A thorough error analysis is developed to guide an optimal design of two kinds of polygonal approximations in the asymptotic case of a large budget of evaluation subintervals N. The method allows the user to obtain the level of linearization (N) for a target approximation error and vice versa. It is suitable for, but not limited to, an efficient implementation in modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), allowing real-time performance of computationally demanding applications. The quality and efficiency of the technique has been measured in detail on the Gaussian function because it is a nonlinear function extensively used in many areas of scientific computing and it is expensive to evaluate.
January 2, 2014 by hgpu