Accelerating Cryptosystems on Hardware Platforms

Wei Wang
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2014


   title={Accelerating Cryptosystems on Hardware Platforms},

   author={Wang, Wei},


   school={Worcester Polytechnic Institute}


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In the past decade, one of the major breakthroughs in computer science theory is the first construction of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme introduced by Gentry. Using a FHE one may perform an arbitrary numbers of computations directly on the encrypted data without revealing of the secret key. Therefore, a practical FHE provides an invaluable security application for emerging technologies such as cloud computing and cloud-based storage. However, FHE is far from real life deployment due to serious efficiency impediments. The main part of this dissertation focuses on accelerating the existing FHE schemes using GPU and hardware design to make them more efficient and practical towards real-life applications. Another part of this dissertation is for the hardware design of the large key-size RSA cryptosystem. As the Moore law continues driving the computer technology, the key size of the Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) encryption is necessary to be upgraded to 2048, 4096 or even 8192 bits to provide higher level security. In this dissertation, the FFT multiplication is employed for the large-size RSA hardware design instead of using the traditional interleaved Montgomery multiplication to show the feasibility of the FFT multiplication for large-size RSA design.
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