Multi-Agent Systems and General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units: A Survey
LIRMM – Montpellier 2 University – CNRS, France
21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2014
title={Multi-Agent Systems and General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units: A Survey},
author={Hermellin, Emmanuel and Michel, Fabien and Ferber, Jacques},
In some application domains, using a Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) modeling approach may require to handle a large number of agents (crowds, traffic, animal societies, ecosystems, etc.). Today, as this number is constantly growing, the computational resources which are needed cannot be fulfilled by the CPU of single Personal Computers (PC) any more. Considering this issue, General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Units (GPGPU) appears to be very promising as it allows huge speed up on regular PC and for a cheap cost. This paper reviews the literature reporting on contributions which are at the intersection between MAS and GPGPU.
August 7, 2014 by hgpu