A Computational Realization of a Semi-Lagrangian Method for Solving the Advection Equation

Alexander Efremov, Eugenya Karepova, Vladimir Shaydurov, Alexander Vyatkin
Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, Russia
Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, 10 pages, 2014


   title={A Computational Realization of a Semi-Lagrangian Method for Solving the Advection Equation},

   author={Efremov, Alexander and Karepova, Eugenya and Shaydurov, Vladimir and Vyatkin, Alexander},



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A parallel implementation of a method of the semi-Lagrangian type for the advection equation on a hybrid architecture com-putation system is discussed. The difference scheme with variable stencil is constructed on the base of an integral equality between the neighboring time levels. The proposed approach allows one to avoid the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy restriction on the relation between time step and mesh size. The theoretical results are confirmed by numerical experiments. Performance of a sequential algorithm and several parallel implementations with the OpenMP and CUDA technologies in the C language has been studied.
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