Code Optimization on Kepler GPUs and Xeon Phi
Lattice Gauge Theory Research Center, CTP, and FPRD,Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-747, South Korea
arXiv:1411.2223 [hep-lat], (9 Nov 2014)
Kepler GTX Titan Black and Kepler Tesla K40 are still the best GPUs for high performance computing, although Maxwell GPUs such as GTX 980 are available in the market. Hence, we measure the performance of our lattice QCD codes using the Kepler GPUs. We also upgrade our code to use the latest CPS (Columbia Physics System) library along with the most recent QUDA (QCD CUDA) library for lattice QCD. These new libraries improve the performance of our conjugate gradient (CG) inverter so that it runs twice faster than before. We also investigate the performance of Xeon Phi 7120P coprocessor. It has similar computing power with the Kepler GPUs in principle. However, its performance for our CG code is significantly inferior to that of the GTX Titan Black GPUs at present.
November 12, 2014 by hgpu