cuLGT: Lattice Gauge Fixing on GPUs
Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Tubingen, Germany
arXiv:1412.3655 [hep-lat], (11 Dec 2014)
We adopt CUDA-capable Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) for Landau, Coulomb and maximally Abelian gauge fixing in 3+1 dimensional SU(3) and SU(2) lattice gauge field theories. A combination of simulated annealing and overrelaxation is used to aim for the global maximum of the gauge functional. We use a fine grained degree of parallelism to achieve the maximum performance: instead of the common 1 thread per site strategy we use 4 or 8 threads per lattice site. Here, we report on an improved version of our publicly available code ( and which again increases performance and is much easier to include in existing code. On the GeForce GTX 580 we achieve up to 470 GFlops (utilizing 80% of the theoretical peak bandwidth) for the Landau overrelaxation code.
December 12, 2014 by hgpu