Massively Parallel Construction of the Cell Graph
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
arXiv:1503.06029 [cs.DC], (20 Mar 2015)
title={Massively Parallel Construction of the Cell Graph},
author={Kaczmarski, Krzysztof and Rzazewski, Pawel and Wolant, Albert},
Motion planning is an important and well-studied field of robotics. A typical approach to finding a route is to construct a cell graph representing a scene and then to find a path in such a graph. In this paper we present and analyze parallel algorithms for constructing the cell graph on a SIMD-like GPU processor. Additionally, we present a new implementation of the dictionary data type on a GPU device. In the contrary to hash tables, which are common in GPU algorithms, it uses a search tree in which all values are kept in leaves. With such a structure we can effectively perform dictionary operations on a set of long vectors over a limited alphabet.
March 23, 2015 by hgpu