A Fast and Rigorously Parallel Surface Voxelization Technique for GPU-Accelerated CFD Simulations

C. F. Janssen, N. Koliha, T. Rung
Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory, Hamburg University of Technology, Schwarzenbergstrasse 95 C, 21073 Hamburg, Germany
Commun. Comput. Phys., 2015


   title={A Fast and Rigorously Parallel Surface Voxelization Technique for GPU-Accelerated CFD Simulations},

   author={Jan{ss}en, CF and Koliha, N and Rung, T},



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This paper presents a fast surface voxelization technique for the mapping of tessellated triangular surface meshes to uniform and structured grids that provide a basis for CFD simulations with the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The core algorithm is optimized for massively parallel execution on graphics processing units (GPUs) and is based on a unique dissection of the inner body shell. This unique definition necessitates a topology based neighbor search as a preprocessing step, but also enables parallel implementation. More specifically, normal vectors of adjacent triangular tessellations are used to construct half-angles that clearly separate the per-triangle regions. For each triangle, the grid nodes inside the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) are tested for their distance to the triangle in question and for certain well-defined relative angles. The performance of the presented grid generation procedure is superior to the performance of the GPU-accelerated flow field computations per time step which allows efficient fluid-structure interaction simulations, without noticeable performance loss due to the dynamic grid update.
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