CUDAEASY – a GPU Accelerated Cosmological Lattice Program

Jani Sainio
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, Finland
Computer Physics Communications, Volume 181, Issue 5, p. 906-912, arXiv:0911.5692 [astro-ph.IM] (30 Nov 2009)


   title={CUDAEASY-a GPU accelerated cosmological lattice program},

   author={Sainio, J.},

   journal={Computer Physics Communications},








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This paper presents, to the author’s knowledge, the first graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerated program that solves the evolution of interacting scalar fields in an expanding universe. We present the implementation in NVIDIA’s Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) and compare the performance to other similar programs in chaotic inflation models. We report speedups between one and two orders of magnitude depending on the used hardware and software while achieving small errors in single precision. Simulations that used to last roughly one day to compute can now be done in hours and this difference is expected to increase in the future. The program has been written in the spirit of LATTICEEASY and users of the aforementioned program should find it relatively easy to start using CUDAEASY in lattice simulations. The program is available at this http URL under the GNU General Public License.
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