LHCb GPU acceleration project

A. Badalov, D. Campora, N. Neufeld, X. Vilasis-Cardona
GR-SETAD, La Salle – Universitat Ramon Llull, Quatre Camins 30, Barcelona, Spain
Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 11, 2016


   title={LHCb GPU acceleration project},

   author={Badalov, A and C{‘a}mpora, D and Neufeld, N and Vilas{‘i}s-Cardona, X},

   journal={Journal of Instrumentation},





   publisher={IOP Publishing}


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The LHCb detector is due to be upgraded for processing high-luminosity collisions, which will increase data bandwidth to the event filter farm from 100 GB/s to 4 TB/s, encouraging us to look for new ways of accelerating Online reconstruction. The Coprocessor Manager is a new framework for integrating LHCb’s existing computation pipelines with massively parallel algorithms running on GPUs and other accelerators. This paper describes the system and analyzes its performance.
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