Massively parallel simulations of relativistic fluid dynamics on graphics processing units with CUDA
Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 United States
arXiv:1608.06577 [physics.comp-ph], (23 Aug 2016)
title={Massively parallel simulations of relativistic fluid dynamics on graphics processing units with CUDA},
author={Bazow, Dennis and Heinz, Ulrich W. and Strickland, Michael},
Relativistic fluid dynamics is a major component in dynamical simulations of the quark-gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Simulations of the full three-dimensional dissipative dynamics of the quark-gluon plasma with fluctuating initial conditions are computationally expensive and typically require some degree of parallelization. In this paper, we present a GPU implementation of the Kurganov-Tadmor algorithm which solves the 3+1d relativistic viscous hydrodynamics equations including the effects of both bulk and shear viscosities. We demonstrate that the resulting CUDA-based GPU code is approximately two orders of magnitude faster than the corresponding serial implementation of the Kurganov-Tadmor algorithm. We validate the code using (semi-)analytic tests such as the relativistic shock-tube and Gubser flow.
August 28, 2016 by hgpu