Backpropagation Training for Fisher Vectors within Neural Networks

Patrick Wieschollek, Fabian Groh, Hendrik P.A. Lensch
University of Tubingen
arXiv:1702.02549 [cs.CV], (8 Feb 2017)


   title={Backpropagation Training for Fisher Vectors within Neural Networks},

   author={Wieschollek, Patrick and Groh, Fabian and Lensch, Hendrik P.A.},






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Fisher-Vectors (FV) encode higher-order statistics of a set of multiple local descriptors like SIFT features. They already show good performance in combination with shallow learning architectures on visual recognitions tasks. Current methods using FV as a feature descriptor in deep architectures assume that all original input features are static. We propose a framework to jointly learn the representation of original features, FV parameters and parameters of the classifier in the style of traditional neural networks. Our proof of concept implementation improves the performance of FV on the Pascal Voc 2007 challenge in a multi-GPU setting in comparison to a default SVM setting. We demonstrate that FV can be embedded into neural networks at arbitrary positions, allowing end-to-end training with back-propagation.
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