MALBEC: a new CUDA-C ray-tracer in General Relativity
GIRG, Escuela de Fisica, Universidad Industrial de Santander, A. A. 678, Bucaramanga, Colombia
arXiv:1803.08320 [gr-qc], (22 Mar 2018)
title={MALBEC: a new CUDA-C ray-tracer in General Relativity},
author={Quiroga, G. D.},
A new CUDA-C code for tracing orbits around non-charged black holes is presented. This code is named MALBEC, and take advantage of the graphic processing units and the CUDA platform in order to track the geodesic motion of null and timelike test particles in Schwarzschild and Kerr. Additionally, a new general set of equations that describe the closed circular orbits of any timelike test particle in the equatorial plane is derived. These equations results extremely important in this work, since we will compare the analytical behavior of the orbits with the numerical results in order to ensure the correct implementation of the Runge-Kutta algorithm in MALBEC. Finally, other tests are performed, demonstrating that MALBEC is able to reproduce some well-known results in these metrics in a faster and more efficient way that the conventional CPU implementation.
March 25, 2018 by hgpu