Dynamic deformation textures: GPU-accelerated simulation of deformable models in contact

Nico Galoppo, Miguel A. Otaduy, Paul Mecklenburg, Markus Gross, Ming C. Lin
UNC Chapel Hill
In SIGGRAPH ’07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 courses (2007), pp. 59-79


   title={Dynamic deformation textures: GPU-accelerated simulation of deformable models in contact},

   author={Galoppo, N. and Otaduy, M.A. and Mecklenburg, P. and Gross, M. and Lin, M.C.},

   booktitle={ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 courses},





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We present an efficient algorithm for simulating contacts between deformable bodies with high-resolution surface geometry using dynamic deformation textures, which reformulate the 3D elastoplastic deformation and collision handling on a 2D parametric atlas to reduce the extremely high number of degrees of freedom arising from large contact regions and high-resolution geometry. Such computationally challenging dynamic contact scenarios arise when objects with rich surface geometry are rubbed against each other while they bounce, roll or slide through the scene.
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