PyMatting: A Python Library for Alpha Matting

Thomas Germer, Tobias Uelwer, Stefan Conrad, Stefan Harmeling
Department of Computer Science, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
arXiv:2003.12382 [cs.CV], (25 Mar 2020)


   title={PyMatting: A Python Library for Alpha Matting},

   author={Thomas Germer and Tobias Uelwer and Stefan Conrad and Stefan Harmeling},






An important step of many image editing tasks is to extract specific objects from an image in order to place them in a scene of a movie or compose them onto another background. Alpha matting describes the problem of separating the objects in the foreground from the background of an image given only a rough sketch. We introduce the PyMatting package for Python which implements various approaches to solve the alpha matting problem. Our toolbox is also able to extract the foreground of an image given the alpha matte. The implementation aims to be computationally efficient and easy to use. The source code of PyMatting is available under an open-source license.
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