Significantly Improved Performances Of The Cryptographically Generated Addresses Thanks To ECC And GPGPU

Tony Cheneau, Aymen Boudguiga, Maryline Laurent
Institut TELECOM, TELECOM SudParis, CNRS Samovar UMR 5157, 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry, France
Computers & Security (22 December 2009)


   title={Significantly improved performances of the cryptographically generated addresses thanks to ECC and GPGPU},

   author={Cheneau, T. and Boudguiga, A. and Laurent, M.},

   journal={Computers & Security},








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Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA) are today mainly used with the Secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (SEND). Despite CGA generalization, current standards only show how to construct CGA with the RSA algorithm and SHA-1 hash function. This limitation may prevent new usages of CGA and SEND in mobile environments where nodes are energy and storage limited. In this paper, we present the results of a performance and security study of the CGA and SEND. To significantly improve the performances of the CGA, we investigate first replacing RSA with ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) and ECDSA (Elliptic Curve DSA), and second using the General-Purpose computing on Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU). Finally, a performance comparison between different hash algorithms (SHA-256, WHIRLPOOL,…) allows to prepare a better transition for the CGA when SHA-1 will be deprecated.
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