iNFAnt: NFA pattern matching on GPGPU devices
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., Vol. 40, pp. 20-26.
title={iNFAnt: NFA pattern matching on GPGPU devices},
author={Cascarano, N. and Rolando, P. and Risso, F. and Sisto, R.},
journal={ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review},
This paper presents iNFAnt, a parallel engine for regular expression pattern matching. In contrast with traditional approaches, iNFAnt adopts non-deterministic automata, allowing the compilation of very large and complex rule sets that are otherwise hard to treat. iNFAnt is explicitly designed and developed to run on graphical processing units that provide large amounts of concurrent threads; this parallelism is exploited to handle the non-determinism of the model and to process multiple packets at once, thus achieving high performance levels.
January 11, 2011 by hgpu