An exploration of CUDA and CBEA for a gravitational wave data-analysis application (Einstein@Home)
Research Group Programming Languages / Methodologies, Universitat Kassel, Kassel, Germany
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, PPAM 2009
author={Breitbart}, J. and {Khanna}, G.},
title={“{An exploration of CUDA and CBEA for a gravitational wave data-analysis application (Einstein@Home)}”},
journal={ArXiv e-prints},
keywords={General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, Physics – Computational Physics},
adsnote={Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
We present a detailed approach for making use of two new computer hardware architectures — CBEA and CUDA — for accelerating a scientific data-analysis application (Einstein@Home). Our results suggest that both the architectures suit the application quite well and the achievable performance in the same software developmental time-frame, is nearly identical.
January 18, 2011 by hgpu