Interactive visualisation of spins and clusters in regular and small-world Ising models with CUDA on GPUs
Computer Science, Massey University Albany, North Shore 102-904, Auckland, New Zealand
Journal of Computational Science, Volume 1, Issue 1, May 2010, Pages 33-40
title={Interactive visualisation of spins and clusters in regular and small-world Ising models with CUDA on GPUs},
author={Leist, A. and Playne, DP and Hawick, KA},
journal={Journal of Computational Science},
Three-dimensional simulation models are hard to visualise for dense lattice systems, even with cutaways and flythrough techniques. We use multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), CUDA and OpenGL to increase our understanding of computational simulation models such as the 2-D and 3-D Ising systems with small-world link rewiring by accelerating both the simulation and visualisation into interactive time. We show how interactive model parameter updates, visual overlaying of measurements and graticules, cluster labelling and other visual highlighting cues enhance user intuition of the model’s meaning and exploit the enhanced simulation speed to handle model systems large enough to explore multi-scale phenomena.
February 13, 2011 by hgpu