An Autonomous Data Language

Tom T.P. Franken, Thomas Neele, Jan Friso Groote
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC), 2023


   title={An Autonomous Data Language},

   author={Groote, Jan Friso},



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Nowadays, the main advances in computational power are due to parallelism. However, most parallel languages have been designed with a focus on processors and threads. This makes dealing with data and memory in programs hard, which distances the implementation from its original algorithm. We propose a new paradigm for parallel programming, the data-autonomous paradigm, where computation is performed by autonomous data elements. Programs in this paradigm are focused on making the data collaborate in a highly parallel fashion. We furthermore present AuDaLa, the first data autonomous programming language, and include an operational semantics. Programming in AuDaLa is very natural, as illustrated by examples, albeit in a style very different from sequential and contemporary parallel programming.
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