Multi-mass solvers for lattice QCD on GPUs

A. Alexandru, C. Pelissier, B. Gamari, F. Lee
Department of Physics, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052
arXiv:1103.5103v1 [hep-lat] (26 Mar 2011)


   author={Alexandru}, A. and {Pelissier}, C. and {Gamari}, B. and {Lee}, F.},

   title={“{Multi-mass solvers for lattice QCD on GPUs}”},

   journal={ArXiv e-prints},




   keywords={High Energy Physics – Lattice},




   adsnote={Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}


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Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) are more and more frequently used for lattice QCD calculations. Lattice studies often require computing the quark propagators for several masses. These systems can be solved using multi-shift inverters but these algorithms are memory intensive which limits the size of the problem that can be solved using GPUs. In this paper, we show how to efficiently use a memory-lean single-mass inverter to solve multi-mass problems. We focus on the BiCGstab algorithm for Wilson fermions and show that the single-mass inverter not only requires less memory but also outperforms the multi-shift variant by a factor of two.
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